Thursday, November 12, 2009

Not keeping in touch

Daily news reports about the toll the H1N1 flu virus is taking has me stashing little bottles of hand sanitizer in the various corners of my life. That's on top of the hand sanitizer stations I see around the campus where I teach and at my grandson's day care center, among other places. (I half expect to see one some Sunday next to the holy water font at church.)

As a result of all that hand cleaning, or perhaps in spite of it, I haven't fallen victim to the flu -- yet. I haven't had my flu shots either because there hasn't been enough of the stuff to go around. As someone not considered "high risk," I doubt I'll be able to get those shots any time soon.

I don't even like thinking about the flu and the fear it's ignited (I really should stop paying attention to those daily news reports). I don't like feeling uncomfortable when someone reaches out to shake my hand. I'm not even that fond of hand sanitizer -- which, by the way, stings like crazy if you have a paper cut.

But it is flu season. H1N1 has arrived. And a lot more people are likely to get sick. I just hope this experience leaves people grateful for good health and not fearful of human contact.

So go ahead and hug. Just make sure you cover your mouth when you cough.

And don't forget the hand sanitizer.


  1. Actually, a clever Italian has invented an automatic holy water dispenser to combat swine flu:

  2. I heard about that -- necessity, once again, becomes the mother of invention.
