Monday, February 9, 2015

Back in touch

It's nearly five years since I posted to this blog. I'm more than a little embarrassed about that, especially since I require the students in some of my college-level journalism classes to create and maintain blogs. ("Do as I say, not as I do" ...)

The past five years saw the grandchild we were raising returned to his parent's care. These years also saw the arrival of two more grandchildren. I was present at both of their births. Remarkable.

These years saw the passing of one of my four big brothers, but my mom turned 102 last summer and is in reasonably good health.

I've spent a semester teaching in London since I last posted my thoughts here, and that experience -- in 2014 -- enriched my life in ways I'm still discovering. More about that another time.

What finally moved me to pick up where I left off with this blog is something said by an old friend I hadn't heard from in awhile -- namely, that she missed reading my newspaper column. I'd heard it a few times before, sometimes from people I didn't even know, but this time it really struck a chord. I realized I miss writing that column.

Still, at this stage of my life, I prefer to write on my own schedule. I've had enough of deadlines.

So here we go again ... getting back in touch and hoping life has been kind to you.


  1. Greetings Mary,
    Its nice to see you back here. I've enjoyed your writing for a while and it has inspired me to learn how to write. I'm a work in progress! A change is in the air for me, although it will have to wait a while.

    1. Thanks, Joe! Writing, it seems to me, is all about trusting your own voice -- realizing it's OK to be yourself in your writing. It took me a long time to realize that.

      Good luck!
