Thursday, September 24, 2009

Fear factor

You can't pick up a newspaper or turn on the news without running into the latest on the H1N1 virus -- aka swine flu. For that matter, you can't go far without coming across an uber-sized bottle of hand sanitizer. They're everywhere, which is probably a good thing. But I wonder about the impact all this fear of the flu is having on basic human relations.

Have you noticed anyone holding back when you reach out to shake hands lately? Have you gotten any dirty looks from passersby when you sneeze in public (even if you sneeze into your elbow, which we're all supposed to do now)? Wondering if you should dodge Auntie Maude's hugs and kisses next time she comes to visit? Join the club.

A family member says fear invites trouble, that we'd all be better off if we adopted a more positive attitude about life in general and the swine flu in particular.



When can I get my flu shots?


  1. Maybe I'm lying to myself ... but my understanding is that swine flu isn't any worse than regular flu, just different.

    So, yeah, it's important to practice good hygiene, but that's a nice rule no matter what.

    I'm waiting to see just how bad it gets and judge from there.

  2. Sounds reasonable. Now I face the prospect of taking the little guy in my life to the doctor -- not once, not twice, but three times for the two swine flu shots and the seasonal shot. This should be interesting, especially since he's already a little afraid of the place.

  3. Well ... just tell Chuck to buck up and get his shots. ;)

    Don't get me wrong - it's good that we're being extra-vigilant. Better to overdo it than under-do it.
