Thursday, September 10, 2009

Gee thanks, Mom

Moms are the people who tell you things you need to hear, even things no one else would dare tell you.

Like the time a college friend decided to go "au naturel" and stopped using deodorant -- until his mom sat him down one day and said, "Mike, you stink."

I made the mistake of complaining to my own mother recently that my knees felt a bit stiff and sore.

"Well," she replied, "you ARE almost 60."

"Geez, Mom," I said, "I have a whole year and a month before I reach that milestone."

She wasn't impressed.

I suppose I could have reminded her that in a couple of years she'll be "almost 100." But some things you just don't say to your mom.

You only think them.


  1. Funny ... I did once say something similar to my mom some years ago. She made mention of having a "midlife crisis" - and clever me said, "Well, unless you're going to live to be 100, it's not a midlife crisis."

    Yes, I'm an awful son with a forgiving mother.

  2. "Midlife" is a flexible term -- the older you get the more flexible it gets.
