Monday, October 19, 2009


From a distance it looked as if there must have been a pretty nasty accident at the busy intersection up ahead. I could see flashing lights and lines of backed-up cars.

It wasn't until I'd almost reached the intersection that I saw what was going on: Some elementary school students, with an assist from the local police, were crossing a four-lane parkway after a field trip to a nearby fire station.

Shepherded by teachers and parents, the children walked two-by-two, holding hands, in the brisk morning air. And for a moment, those of us in our cars, those of us in a hurry, could only wait and watch -- and maybe, in that moment, remember how much simpler life used to be.


  1. Ah, the buddy system ... always a good choice.

  2. This reminds me of my glory days, at St. Thomas Aquinas Elementary School. Every December, about a week or so before Christmas, we took to the streets of the West side of Binghamton to sing Christmas carols to the neighbors, who annually waited out on their porches to listen and wave to the parade of youngsters. Along with the accompaniment of the MIX 103.3 Boom-box-on-wheels, we walked hand-in-hand. Most of us "complained" at the time -- but, to go back to those days...
