Sunday, December 20, 2009

Two minutes and counting

We've gained a couple of minutes of sunlight in the afternoon. I know, I know, we're still losing a few minutes each morning, but that'll change soon.

Tomorrow is the winter solstice. The end of autumn. The official start of winter. And the beginning of that slow slog through snow and slush and ice to spring.

People who suffer from seasonal affective disorder (with that unfortunate acronym "SAD") may loathe this shortest night of the year, but on its heels come days when we start to notice it staying a bit lighter a bit longer until one day you realize it's still light as you sit down to dinner.

No, it won't be light enough for an after-dinner walk for a while -- a rather long while. But I'd rather be on this side of the solstice, anticipating the lengthening days, than feeling that sinking sensation I get on June 21 when the days start growing shorter.

Yup, it gets dark too early right now. But the darkness can't last. It never does.

1 comment:

  1. I have been checking the weather channel daily all month to see that minute of daylight grow each is finaly here..... it is going to feel so good!
